Terrorist attack in Beslan: Victims' memory honored in Moscow

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

Twenty years have passed since the terrible terrorist attack in Beslan. In 2004, as a result of the school No. 1 siege by terrorists, 318 hostages were killed, 186 of whom were children.

Today, the memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan has been traditionally honored in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kulishki, in the Alanskoye Podvorye in Moscow.

First, a memorial service was held. After it, flowers were laid at the monument to the victims of the Beslan tragedy.

It should be noted that since 2005, September 3 in Russia is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza