Georgian CEC Receives over 130 complaints on parliamentary elections

Georgian CEC Receives over 130 complaints on parliamentary elections

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/ Vestnik Kavkaza

The Georgian Central Election Commission reported the number of complaints that were received by election commissions during the parliamentary elections, which are taking place in Georgia today, October 26. The CEC assured that it would conduct an investigation into all the applications.

Over 130 complaints were filed regarding how the elections are proceeding in Georgia, CEC Press Secretary Natia Ioseliani said.

According to her, a total of 133 complaints were filed, they are in the election commissions. Ioseliani assured that information about all possible violations would be verified.

She also named the reasons for which the applications were filed. Most of the complaints concern violations of the secrecy of voting, marking, incidents that occurred outside the polling stations, campaigning, and expulsion from the territory of the polling station. In addition, there were reports of violations of observers' rights and non-compliance with legislation.
