Afghan army eliminates over 500 Taliban militants in 24 hours

Afghan army eliminates over 500 Taliban militants in 24 hours

The Afghan government soldiers have eliminated over 570 militants of the Taliban radical movement (banned in Russia) in the past 24 hours, the defense ministry said on Monday.

"579 Taliban terrorists were killed and 161 others were wounded as a result of ANDSF operations in Nangarhar, Khost, Logar, Paktia, Kandahar, Herat, Farah, Jowzjan, Samangan, Helmand, Takhar, Kunduz and Panjshir provinces during the last 24 hours," the Afghan ministry wrote on Twitter.

The hostilities between the Afghan government and the Taliban have intensified as foreign troops began withdrawing from the country. The Taliban have since captured large rural territories and launched an offensive on cities.
