Almaz-Antei: Buk missile decommissioned long ago

Almaz-Antei: Buk missile decommissioned long ago

The Russian defense conglomerate Almaz-Antei, which makes Buk missiles, held a press conference to present the results of the company's investigation into the downing of the MH17 Boeing near Donetsk.
Almaz-Antei’s chief executive, Yan Novikov, said that the Boeing was shot down by a Russian-made Buk missile fired from the village of Zaroshchenskoe. 

"It was clearly an 9M38 missile. The last missile of this type was manufactured in the Soviet Union in 1986," he said. He also noted that the service life of these missiles is 25 years.

Almaz-Antei held its own experiment on recreating the crash, according to which a missile launched from the Snezhnoye settlement could not have hit the left wing of MH17.