Americans name best president of their lifetime

Americans name best president of their lifetime

More than 40% of Americans say that Barack Obama was the best or second-best president in their lifetime, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center.

The poll asked people in an open-ended format which president has done the best job in their lifetimes, using respondents' first and second choices for the survey's findings. 

According to 44% of Americans, Obama was either the best or the second-best president in their lifetime, with 33% saying the same for Bill Clinton (1993-2001). According to 33%, Ronald Regan (1981-1989) was the best or second-best president in their lifetime, the Hill reported.

Meanwhile, 19% said the same for Donald Trump, who has been in office since 2017.

The survey notes that Americans' views on the best president is largely tied to their age. Millennials were more likely than older generations to list Obama as the best president in their lifetime, while older Americans are much more likely to name Reagan as the best president. 

62% of millennials believe Obama is either the best or second-best president in their lifetime. On the other hand, about 4 in 10 of the two older generations named Reagan the best president. 

The Pew survey was conducted from June 5 to 12 among a population of 2,002 adults. The survey has a margin of error of 2.6%.