Another five countries refuse to serve Gazprombank cards

Another five countries refuse to serve Gazprombank cards

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/ Vestnik Kavkaza

Debit UnionPay cards issued by Russian Gazprombank have stopped being served in a number of countries around the world. Italy, Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Uruguay has warned its clients about possible issues.

Gazprombank UnionPay cards are no more usable in Italy: Italian banks refuse to issue cash on them. Often, when trying to withdraw money from an ATM, the message “No connection with the bank” appears, and some ATMs simply “eat” users’ cards.

The same problem is ovbserved in Argentina, where it was still possible to withdraw money from Russian cards this morning: by the middle of the day the service was already unavailable.

Similar problems with the operation of cards of the Chinese payment system issued by Gazprombank are in Egypt: even Russians living there are no longer able to withdraw cash from ATMs, although payments with the card are still avialable.

Gazprombank UnionPay cards are not being serviced in Indonesia since yesterday. They are also blocked by ATMs of Uruguayan banks.
