Armenian Foreign Ministry assesses EAEU effectiveness

Armenian Foreign Ministry assesses EAEU effectiveness

Armenia does not criticize the policies of the Russian Federation, the republic’s Foreign Ministry reported. The ministry clarified that Yerevan only raises issues within the framework of bilateral relations and through the CSTO.

Armenia considers the EAEU an effective platform, the head of the Republic's Foreign Ministry, Ararat Mirzoyan said on Wednesday.

He also noted that Yerevan does not criticize Moscow’s policies, but only raises issues within the framework of bilateral relations and within the CSTO.

“The EAEU continues to function effectively. You will not find any proof that Armenia ever criticized Russia in the context of the EAEU,”

– the head of the ministry said.

He added that the CSTO is an organization of a different nature, whose members must protect each other’s borders.
