Armenian drivers affected by floods to be compensated for their losses

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

Owners of cars damaged during the floods in the Lori and Tavush regions will receive support from the Armenian authorities. They will be paid 122 million drams (29.1 million rubles), the government of the republic reported.

This amount will be divided between the two regions. 91 million drams (21.7 million rubles) will go to the Lori region to repair 161 cars, and 31 million drams (7.4 million rubles) will be sent to Tavush to compensate for damage to 30 cars.

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Special Commission assessed the damage to cars based on requests from owners.

Let us remind you that a major flood occurred in Armenia on May 26. The north of the country was particularly affected. The Aghstev and Debed rivers overflowed their banks there.They flooded several settlements and the city of Alaverdi. As a result of the natural disaster, four people died and hundreds were injured.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza