Armenian press review (October 8-14th)

Armenian press review (October 8-14th)

Newspapers report about disagreements within the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), which appeared in connection with the voting on the draft constitutional amendments. Thus, Zhamanak, describing the situation in the party, wrote that members of the parliamentary faction of the party Stepan Margaryan and Elinar Vardanyan were withdrawn from parliamentary committees and international delegations. Moreover, Elinar Vardanyan was excluded from the party.

In this regard, the newspaper wrote: "Stepan Margaryan and Elinar Vardanyan are the so-called representatives of Kocharyan's team, or wing. After the events in February they remained in the party, in contrast to Vartan Oskanian, for example. The accepted decision becomes interesting against the background of the famous interview with Robert Kocharyan, as well as subsequent clarification by the head of his office Victor Soghomonyan.  

The differences and contradictions between the current leadership of PAP and Kocharyan's team, or wing, continued for many months, but the decision coincides with Robert Tocharyan’s interview, so we can assume the decision of PAP is Serzh Sargsyan’s response to Robert Kocharyan’s interview."

Hraparak writes: "For many years we could hear rumors that Serzh Sargsyan and Robert Kocharyan have a secret agreement to confront each other publicly, expressing a feud. Proponents of this theory said that it was done in order to hand power over without any problems and prevent a real opposition. But it is unlikely that the current government is drawn into this game and staged a criticism of Robert Kocharyan regarding the constitutional project. It is a very important document in order for the authorities to stand a similar breadth of thinking and unprecedented democracy."

President Serzh Sargsyan, after the positive outcome of the constitutional reform, took the decision not to remain President, and not to take the post of Prime minister or speaker of the parliament, Irates de facto reported, citing a source in the government.

"And now he is searching for people who can be appointed to highest key positions of the state and be under control at the same time. According to the same source, this is a very careful and quiet process, even for President’s party fellows. However, despite this, there is a strong possibility that the chess lover can make a ‘knight’s move’ at the last minute,’’ ​​the newspaper reports.