Austrian gas storage reaches targeted amount

Austrian gas storage reaches targeted amount

Austria has filled its underground gas storage facilities to a targeted 80% on time, while UGS facilities in Europe as a whole are now almost 90% full. Hungary and Bulgaria are on course to reach their stipulated levels, but Latvia now has no hope of doing so.

Gazprom's request for pumping Russian gas through Ukraine has not changed from the previous days and months.

Europe continues to inject gas into underground gas storage facilities, with the average level of reserves reaching the targeted 80% at the end of August, since when the pace of injection has slowed.

Inventories in UGS facilities have risen to 89.32%, up 0.35 percentage points from October 2, the last reporting date, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe data.

Gas inventories in UGS facilities have currently exceeded 80% in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.

Austria has reported exceeding its target level by the end of the October 2 gas day. Bulgaria, Hungary, and Latvia are lagging. It should take Bulgaria another week to ten days and Hungary another three weeks to reach the 80% target.

Gas stocks at the Incukalns UGS facility in Latvia are the lowest in the EU and are stuck at around 53%. This UGS facility is responsible for reserve gas supplies to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as Finland.
