Azerbaijan refused to supply cottonseed oil to Kyrgyzstan before completion of harvest

Azerbaijan refused to supply cottonseed oil  to Kyrgyzstan before completion of harvest

Azerbaijan's Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms & Communications will present an export review on the first 9 months of 2017. The Centre reports that the Centre received export orders for $355.8 million for Jan-Sept of the year through portal from 60 countries.

"The value of orders received for September alone totaled $47.4 million. Top 5 of customers includes Russia (18.2%), Turkey (6.7%), Ukraine (6.3%), India (4.9%) and USA (4.6%)," the Center said.

In particular, orders for import of hazelnuts, apples, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, and wines from Azerbaijan was mainly received through the portal.

"Having analyzed the order from Kyrgyzstan for supply of a large batch of cottonseed oil, local producers have postponed the adoption of the order until completion of the cotton harvest. All other orders have been brought to local producers," the Center said, reports.