Azerbaijani taekwondo athletes won over 100 medals in 2024

Azerbaijani taekwondo athletes won over 100 medals in 2024

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/ Vestnik Kavkaza

Azerbaijani taekwondo athletes won over 100 medals in 2024. The main award of the year became silver medal won by 25-year-old Gashim Magomedov.

Azerbaijan is summing up the results of the sports year. The outgoing year was especially successful for the republic's taekwondo athletes, who won 104 medals, the Azerbaijan Taekwondo Federation reports.

The most important award of the year for Azerbaijan became the silver medal of Gashim Magomedov, won at the Summer Olympics in Paris. Imameddin Khalilov and Sabir Zeynalov became medalists of the Paralympic Games for the first time in the history of the republic.

Imameddin Khalilov brought the country the gold medal of the Paralympic Games, and Sabir Zeynalov returned to Azerbaijan with a bronze medal.

In total, taekwondo athletes from Azerbaijan won 27 gold, 25 silver and 52 bronze medals in the 2024 competitions.
