BP marks 25th anniversary of collaboration with Azerbaijan in London with Anglo-Azerbaijani Society (PHOTO)

BP marks 25th anniversary of collaboration with Azerbaijan in London with Anglo-Azerbaijani Society (PHOTO)

BP's headquarters in London hosted an event dedicated to BP's 25-year activity in Azerbaijan, organized jointly with the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society.

The event was attended by the Vice-President of Communications and External Affairs for BP's Southern Corridor Emily Olsen, co-chairperson of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, academician Nargiz Pashayeva, co-chairman of the society from the British side, Lord Herman, Azerbaijani Ambassador to the United Kingdom Tahir Taghizade, members of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora in the United Kingdom, as well as representatives of various countries.

Opening the event, Academician Nargiz Pashayeva greeted the guests and briefed them on the activities of BP in Azerbaijan. She noted that currently 10 graduates of the Baku branch of the Moscow State University work in BP Azerbaijan.

In conclusion, academician Nargiz Pashayeva expressed her special gratitude to Gordon Birrell for support in the implementation of these projects. Also, she expressed gratitude to the participants, inducing her colleague Lord Herman and all who made efforts to organize this event.

Speaking at the event, BP Vice-President of Communications and External Affairs for BP's Southern Corridor Emily Olsen, told about of BP's activities in Azerbaijan. She noted that the company, having first arrived in Azerbaijan in June 1992, opened its first office in Baku. Over the past 25 years, as part of a partnership with the Azerbaijani government, the company has implemented world-class projects operated by the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG), Shahdeniz, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC), the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), turned he Caspian sea into a modern hydrocarbon production region and contributed to its development.

Ms. Emily Olsen noted that the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli and Shahdeniz are the largest BP projects and gave detailed information about the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, TANAP and TAP projects, told about the work carried out jointly with the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR).

Co-chairman of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society Lord Herman noted that the work carried out by BP in Azerbaijan is very satisfying. He spoke about the joint work of the society and BP. Expressing deep gratitude to Academician Nargiz Pashayeva, Lord Herman brought to the attention that she really is a person who makes a great contribution to enhancing the activities of the society.

Lord Herman stressed that they are marking the 25th anniversary of BP's activities in Azerbaijan and there have been a lot of changes in the world in these 25 years: such as new technologies, innovations and other processes.

In conclusion, the participants of the event watched a video dedicated to the 25-year-old activity of BP in Azerbaijan.
