Bad-smelling water scares residents of Makhachkala

Bad-smelling water scares residents of Makhachkala

© Photo: Rospotrebnadzor of Dagestan

Tap water in some districts of Makhachkala has acquired an unpleasant odor. The reason for its appearance was determined by Rospotrebnadzor specialists:  the water source is blooming.

Residents of some streets of Makhachkala recently began to feel an unpleasant odor coming from tap water, the republican department of Rospotrebnadzor reports.

The department explained that all complaints come from streets that receive water from Lake Vuzovskoye.

“This problem occurs every year at the beginning of summer and is associated with the blooming of water in the lake and its siltation,”

– Rospotrebnadzor reported.

Experts are taking water samples at the request of the city residents. Checks are ongoing and no dangerous microorganisms have been found in the water yet.
