Belgian police detain 17 Armenian aggressors who attacked Azerbaijanis

Seventeen Armenian provocateurs were detained by law enforcement agencies in Belgium, according to the statement issued by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as the Representation to the EU in Brussels.

The defeated and helpless Armenian Diaspora has been trying to carry out terrorist attacks against the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan in a number of countries around the world in the background of the military clashes launched by the occupying Armenian forces from July 12 in the direction of Tovuz on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Extremely aggressive acts of provocation, acts of aggression and vandalism are committed by radical Armenian forces against our peaceful compatriots during rallies by members of the Azerbaijani community abroad.

In this regard, a mass demonstration accompanied by acts of vandalism was held by the Armenian Diaspora in Belgium on July 22, 2020 in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Representation to the European Union.

But hundreds of representatives of the Azerbaijani community living in Belgium and Luxembourg, including our elderly and courageous women, as well as our compatriots living in the neighboring Netherlands, France and Germany, gathered at the diplomatic mission in solidarity to protect the interests of our state and people and thwarted the attempts of the offensive Armenians to demonstrate.

"They [representatives of Armenian diaspora] chanted slogans and displayed posters exposing the military provocations committed by the Armenian forces in the direction of Tovuz on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border since July 12, as well as demanding the liberation of the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Our compatriots reaffirmed their support for our state, people and army by chanting slogans "Long live Azerbaijan!", "Long live our state!", "Martyrs will not die, the homeland will not be divided!", "Karabakh is Azerbaijan", "Justice for Khojaly", "End the Armenian occupation" and said they were looking forward to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's order," the embassy said in the statement.

"The protesters sang the national anthem of Azerbaijan, the military march and other patriotic songs with great enthusiasm and love, managed to stifle the voices of the provocateurs and gave the necessary response to the Armenian provocateurs," the embassy added.

During the demonstration, documents of relevant international organizations exposing Armenia's aggressive policy against Azerbaijan for decades were sounded. Some Turkish and Georgian friends living in Belgium also supported our Azerbaijani protesters.

Defeated and aggressive Armenian radicals gathered in the administrative yard of the diplomatic mission and committed mass atrocities against our peaceful compatriots and our diplomatic mission who defended their homeland. As a result of the attack of the Armenian aggressors with stones and sharp cutting tools and explosives, 6 members of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, as well as the correspondent of the European bureau of "REAL TV" Khatira Sardargizi were injured and received medical treatment; Employees of the diplomatic mission were injured, there was destruction in the mission's administrative building, windows were broken, the car of a member of the Azerbaijani community was damaged, and an attempt was made to attack the area where the diplomats' family members live.

The Belgian police prevented the provocations of the treacherous enemy, drove them away from the area with water cannons, and the relevant facts of destruction and aggression were recorded by the police. "According to the current information, 17 Armenian provocateurs were detained by law enforcement agencies," the statement reads.

"In general, detailed reports and protocols on the events were prepared and an official appeal was sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium and other relevant agencies, demanding the punishment of Armenian criminals," the embassy concluded.

American political expert Peter Tase said in an interview with Vestnik Kavkaza that attacks on Azerbaijanis around the world are a continuation of Armenia's aggressive policy towards Azerbaijan, its territories and its people. "Everything that happens in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan continues to be implemented by the Armenian diaspora abroad, whether they are in London, Los Angeles, Paris, Germany and other countries," he noted.

"The members of Armenian diaspora, the Armenian violent vandals and terrorists in Los Angeles are pretty much the stretched arm of the Armenian government in Yerevan. Why they commit these acts of violence? It is practically the core of their ideology, is practically the core of their philosophy, to cause violence, harm and destruction to innocent civilians, to the Azerbaijani territory and to the environmental resources of Azerbaijan," stressed.
