Biden: U.S. to ensure Israel's security

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

U.S. President Joe Biden sent a letter to Israeli President Isaac Herzog, congratulating him on Israel independence and wishing for a more peaceful year ahead as Israel marked the holiday.

In his letter, the U.S. president noted that as the first country to have recognized Israel’s independence in 1948, the U.S. is proud of its “enduring relationship with Israel.”

“This past year has been deeply painful, as Israel suffered the worst attack in its history on October 7, 2023. But the people of Israel have shown tremendous strength and resilience," Biden said.

He reiterated that he is a “lifelong supporter of Israel” and that “the U.S.’ commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad.”

“I look forward to our nations’ continuing to work together to forge a brighter future for all our people. I hope that the coming year brings more peace and joy than suffering," Biden said.

Yom Ha'atzmaut is Israel's national day, commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. The date corresponded with the 5th of Iyar on the Hebrew calendar in that year, Yom Ha'atzmaut was originally celebrated on that date. However, to avoid Sabbath desecration, it may be commemorated one or two days before or after the 5th of Iyar if it falls too close to the Sabbath. The day preceding Israel's independence day is Yom HaZikaron, which is dedicated to the memory of fallen Israeli soldiers and Israeli civilian victims of terrorism.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza