Bild journalist to Armenian nationalists: you are fighting on Azerbaijani soil

Bild journalist to Armenian nationalists: you are fighting on Azerbaijani soil

A German journalist Julian Röpcke, the Responsible Editor of the Bild policy column, called on the Armenian nationalists to admit that the occupying Armenian Armed Forces are now fighting in Azerbaijan. He wrote the relevant message in Twitter.

”Seriously, dear Armenians. Stop telling me about "ethnic. cleansing" and how you "defend your homeland". You are fighting on Azerbaijani soil and you displaced hundreds of thousands there,” he twitted.

He attached a photo of Aghdam before and after the occupation (and up to the present day): the first depicts a flourishing city, the second shows that the city was deserted and turned into ruins.

"And until that very day defend to be totally ok," the journalist emphasized.

"But stop telling me (and the world), you are the poor victims and have no idea, how this "Azerbaijani terrorists" came over you. You fight in their land. Not vice versa. Period," Julian Röpcke twitted.