Caspian Oil & Gas 2016 exhibition opens in Baku

Caspian Oil & Gas 2016 exhibition opens in Baku

The 23rd international exhibition and conference Caspian Oil & Gas 2016 and the 6th Caspian International Power and Lighting Exhibition opened today in Baku. 

The opening is attended by the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Welcoming the guests, he said that the exhibition plays a very important role in the life of Azerbaijan. The president thanked "the people and organizations that helped to organize the exhibition".

Ilham Aliyev said that "holding of the exhibition in Azerbaijan is very important for the general development of the country," Trend reports.

US President Barack Obama addressed the participants of the exhibition. "These past 20 years had been a transformation time for Azerbaijan - politically and economically. Throughout this period, the US has worked very closely with the government of Azerbaijan in the energy sector," he said.

"Azerbaijan continues to play a critical role in the global supply of energy and is a reliable partner in our common goal of increasing regional diversification, market competition and energy security," President Obama's message read out by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Robin Dunnigan, said.

According to Obama's message, in today's environment, diversification of energy supply remains as vital as ever.

He stressed that over the past year, Azerbaijan and its partners have achieved significant milestone in making the Southern Gas Corridor a reality. "The continued cooperation between Azerbaijan and its international partners will ensure the competition of this significant project," President Obama's message said.

"And the US stands ready to assist and continue to underscoring importance of the Southern Gas Corridor with our international partners," he concluded.
