Caucasus protects its forests

Caucasus protects its forests

Residents of Kuban and North Caucasus act with a greater sense of responsibility towards protecting their forests during fire seasons, which is why the region traditionally has extremely low fire statistics compared to other Russian regions.

Deputy head of the Aerial Forest Protection Service Nikolai Krivosheev, speaking with the correspondent of Vestnik Kavkaza, noted that 18 forest fires on a total area of ​​15.4 ha have been registered in the Krasnodar Territory since the beginning of the fire season. “If we compare with the previous year, then 40 forest fires were recorded on an area of ​​90.5 hectares by that date in 2018 - that is, we see a positive trend. The situation in the North Caucasus is exactly the same - this year the situation has significant improved, "he said.

Acting Head of the Federal Forestry Agency Mikhail Klinov noted that the weather in the Southern Federal District and North-Western Federal District is dangerous now. “It is necessary to take the maximum number of measures so that forest fires do not harm the settlements and everything existing on the territory of Kuban and Caucasus. Fires broke out in Crimea recently, as well as in Dagestan, and other entities, including the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, there is a willingness to fight fires in the region," the Acting Head of the Federal Forestry Agency stressed.

Nevertheless, Mikhail Klinov urged the residents of Kuban and North Caucasus to remain alert. “It is impossible to fully predict the situation, it can be very difficult, as it was this summer in the Krasnoyarsk Territory with an exorbitant temperature and very low rainfall - under such conditions it is very difficult to prevent fires and fight them. 

Now this is exacerbated by agricultural burning, which is already underway in the southern regions of Russia, which creates another risk area. Mushroom pickers, hunters and fishers pose an additional threat," he recalled.

"Therefore, taking this opportunity, I want to say that we need to draw the attention of the population once again that they should be very careful in the forest, extinguish bonfires, matches and cigarette butts," the Acting Head of the Federal Forestry Agency concluded.