Cavusoglu: first F-35 fighter jets to be delivered to us on June 21

Cavusoglu: first F-35 fighter jets to be delivered to us on June 21

Turkey expects that the United States will deliver the first F-35 joint strike fighters on June 21 with a ceremony despite the U.S. Senate decision to block the procurement of the aircraft to the Turkish government, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said.

"There have been attempts in the U.S. parliament regarding the F-35 delivery. Two fighters will be delivered to us on June 21 and there are also attempts [to block this delivery]. We can’t sustain a healthy relationship as such," Çavuşoğlu said during a live interview with the private broadcaster NTV.

The Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah wrote that Lockheed Martin still expects to hand over F-35s to Turkey in a ceremony that will take place in on June 21 in Fort Worth.