Chernikov: Serious attention is paid to the North Caucasus

Chernikov: Serious attention is paid to the North Caucasus

Serious attention is being paid to our work with the regions of the North Caucasus, the head of the department of national policy, inter-regional relations and tourism Vladimir Chernikov said in an interview with a correspondent of Vestnik Kavkaza.

"Our department works in three major directions: national policy, inter-regional development and tourism. We have agreements with virtually all regions, including the North Caucasus. 

In August of this year we are to hold the Days of Moscow in Dagestan. We are actively working with Ingushetia, and colleagues from Chechnya. We have common economic and cultural projects. In addition, we are cooperating in the field of education,’’ the official noted.

"Our goal is to accumulate all the good things that we have, share them with our colleagues. Of course, we are very pleased that we are able to invite people to Moscow. And today it is obvious to us that our main gift in the regions where we hold the Days of Moscow is inviting people to Moscow and using the potential of the city for tourism. We will be happy to receive a lot of people. But we have an appeal to our colleagues. We would like to be warmly welcomed in the regions. I think this is the key point to our success and cooperation," concluded Vladimir Chernikov, head of the department of national policy, inter-regional relations and tourism.
