Cherry-plum festival kicks off in Nakhchivan

Cherry-plum festival kicks off in Nakhchivan

The 5th traditional Göyce festival, named after this region’s brand- alycha (plum) goyche - has started in Nakhchivan.

The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is in the midst of the cherry-plum season.  This year the farmers got a good harvest, which was already sent to Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan.

Two-day events are held in the historical and architectural museum complex Naxçıvanqala. A fair sale of products of farmers and gardeners from Nakhchivan, Sharur, Babek, Julfa, Ordubad, Shahbuz, Sadarak and Kengerli regions of the country is organised there. Some of the products are presented for sale, some were used for the installations and applied folk art, Trend reports.
