Commemorative star plaque to Zurab Zhvania to be placed at Council of Europe headquarters

Commemorative star plaque to Zurab Zhvania to be placed at Council of Europe headquarters

The Council of Europe will place a commemorative star plaque in the memory of former Georgian prime minister Zurab Zhvania at its headquarters in Strasbourg, the Georgian parliament’s press office announced.

"We are very proud that a commemorative star to Zurab Zhvania will be placed at the CoE," Vice Parliament Speaker Tamar Chugoshvili said. "Stars are given to politicians who contributed much to the council," she explained.

In addition to the name and surname of the former Georgian PM, the star will also include historic worlds by Zhvania pronounced at the CoE assembly 20 years ago, when Georgia became the 41st member of the council, reported.

The words are: "I am Georgian, and therefore I am European."