Conservative Georgians rally against activist who spoiled icon with Stalin

Conservative Georgians rally against activist who spoiled icon with Stalin

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

Georgian conservatives held a rally against an activist who poured paint on an icon of Stalin in a church in Tbilisi. They surrounded the young woman’s house - the police are urging them not to break the law.

Right-wing radicals in Tbilisi staged a protest against Nata Peradze, who splashed paint on an icon depicting Joseph Stalin in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi.

Representatives of the Conservative Movement party came to the young woman’s house. Police lined up around the building, not allowing demonstrators to enter it.

The Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a statement demanding from protesters not break the law.

"Any violation will be immediately suppressed by the police within the limits of the law,”

- the statement reads.
