Crimea ready to provide documents proving ownership of Scythian gold

Crimea ready to provide documents proving ownership of Scythian gold

Crimea is ready to provide documents proving its ownership of the Scythian gold collection to the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, Director of the Central Museum of Tavrida Andrei Malgin said.

"We are ready to provide any information about the Crimean museums’ ownership of the Scythian gold collection that will make it possible for the Court to make a ruling. We will wait for requests from the Amsterdam Court. Our position remains unchanged: the collection must return to Crimea," Malgin pointed out.

 "The Court’s halfway decision shows that the matter is complicated and there are no similar precedents that could offer a single interpretation," TASS cited him as saying.

Earlier in the day, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal delayed a verdict in the Scythian gold case requesting that the parties provide further information, particularly on the ownership rights. According to the Court, the parties have been given two months to provide the requested information. "A final judgment may be expected in six to nine months’ time," the Court pointed out. Until then, the Scythian gold collection will remain at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam.
