Dagestan prepares to start operating flights to Oman

Dagestan prepares to start operating flights to Oman

During a meeting of the Duma group with the head of the Ministry of Tourism of Oman Salim bin Mohammed Al-Makhruki in Muscat, State Duma deputy Abdulkhakim Gadzhiev proposed a project to start operating a direct flight from Makhachkala to Muscat.

"Citizens of the Persian Gulf countries and residents of the North Caucasus show great mutual interest in history and in Islamic culture. We made a proposal to establish direct flights from Makhachkala to the Omani capital (Muscat)", RIA Dagestan quoted Gadzhiev.

The deputy explained that the flight time would not exceed than three hours, which is comparable to the Makhachkala-Moscow route.

The main topic of the meeting of the Duma delegation with Al-Makhruki was the opening of the Moscow-Muscat air connection.