De Mistura: military settlement of Syrian crisis is pure fantasy

De Mistura: military settlement of Syrian crisis is pure fantasy

The United Nations special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said Wednesday he intends to bring the government and opposition back to Geneva for a fifth round of talks on March 23 to pursue agreement on a transition to end the six-year war.

Staffan de Mistura told reporters after briefing the Security Council behind closed doors that the UN will be promoting substantive talks on four issues — governance, a new constitution, elections and counter-terrorism, “including the security organization and confidence-building measures.”

He appealed to participants at a meeting in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, that will take place ahead of the next Geneva talks to address the challenges of the cease-fire in Syria. 

De Mistura said it’s very important that military commanders of the three countries invested in a solution in Syria meet to avoid conflicts and focus on counter-terrorism. “Without a strong cease-fire, the talks (in Geneva) will be fragile,” he warned.

De Mistura said he asked the council for support in ensuring that the fifth round goes “upwards” from the fourth — not backwards.

“Above all, I have appealed to all Syrians and outsiders to abandon the fantasies that still are there of a military victory. One side or the other still sometimes believes that is possible. It is pure fantasy,” the AP cited him as saying.