"Delicious - and that's it" to come to Uzbekistan?

"Delicious - and that's it" to come to Uzbekistan?

The Russian company Sistema PBO, which manages the network of fast food restaurants "Vkusno-i Tochka' ("Tasty-and that's it"), has filed an application for registration of a trademark in Uzbekistan. This information is published on the portal of public services on intellectual property of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic.

According to them, on December 28, applications were filed for two trademarks - Mazali va nuqta and Lazzatli va nuqta, both translated as "Tasty-and that's it".

Earlier it became known that "Vkusno - i tochka" can sell a franchise and enter the markets of the CIS countries and other foreign countries where there is no "McDonald's".
