Destroyed US-Russia ties may threaten global peace

Destroyed US-Russia ties may threaten global peace

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in an interview published Sunday told media outlet Bild am Sonntag what perils he sees for the modern world amid strained situation around North Korea's launches and the US attempts to undermine Iran nuclear deal.

Amid the potential proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world, mounting tensions between Moscow and Washington endanger the current world order, Sigmar Gabriel said, Sputnik reports.

"Completely destroyed relations between the United States and Russia are the biggest threat to peace on the planet. If North Korea can acquire nuclear weapons, many others will follow. Only the United States and Russia can work together to prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons," the foreign minister added.

In case the US-Russian relations did not improve, the world would be "dangerous, chaotic [and] … filled with nuclear weapons," according to Gabriel.

In this regard, German foreign minister stressed that the policy of Donald Trump might also contribute to instability in the world since increased US spending on the military defense industry and reduced expenditures on cooperation for development can possibly create millions of new refugees.