FAO supplies Iran with desert locust equipment

FAO supplies Iran with desert locust equipment

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivers two more consignments of desert locust control equipment and materials to Iran to further enhance national technical capacity to prevent and decrease the damages caused by this migratory pest.

According to a press release published by the FAO Representation in Iran, as part of an ongoing Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) emergency project being funded by FAO and implemented in close cooperation with Iran’s Plant Protection Organization (PPO) under the Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad, the Organization hands over 57 Ultra Low Volume pesticides sprayers along with 10.4 metric tonnes of ULV Deltamethrin pesticides, worth over $100 000, to PPO.

Entitled Urgent Action for Capacity Building to Control Desert Locust Infestation in Iran, this TCP project will also facilitate the development of an integrated desert locust management strategy for the country and assist the national authorities in fielding the recommended guidelines to further improve monitoring and disaster risk reduction of pest infestations in Iran, MNA reported.

According to Mahmoud Chalaki, Deputy Head of General and Public Pests of PPO, over 406,000 ha of lands and rangelands have been chemically treated across the country during the last nine months. The presence and density of desert locust have been decreased in Iran as the pest migrated to summer-breeding areas in the border of Pakistan and India.