FSB: situation on Armenian-Iranian border tense

FSB: situation on Armenian-Iranian border tense

The situation on the Armenian-Iranian border has been tense lately and additional outposts for border guard patrols have been deployed in this area, the Russian FSB’s Border Guard Directorate in Armenia told Russia’s TV Channel One.

"Recently, a tense operational situation has developed on the Armenian-Iranian section of the state border. There have been increased attempts to illegally transport narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from Iran to Armenia. Also, there have been violations of the state border by members of extremist and terrorist organizations," the FSB’s Border Guard Directorate said.

"In order to ensure the security of the Republic of Armenia, in accordance with Armenia’s law On the State Border and in coordination with the government, the National Security Service and other Armenian authorities concerned a number of equipped posts for border guard patrols have been established since the beginning of this year for random checks (and in the case of the search for and chases after intruders - comprehensive checks)," the message says.

As the FSB Border Guard Directorate said, individuals and vehicles are checked with the aim to expose, prevent and suppress smuggling, illegal migration and other offenses.
