First woman elected as Vice-President of Georgia's National Bank

the official website of Georgia's Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development

The Council of Georgia's National Bank elected the former Economy Minister Natia Turnava as the First Vice-President of the Bank with the majority of votes.

At the briefing after the meeting of the Council, Turnava said it was a “great honour” to take this position and noted the Bank’s main mission was to “take care of the financial stability of the country and also the stability of consumer prices”.

"Our financial system proved its strength to everyone, maintained high international ratings, and, of course, together with the effective economic policy of the Government, the right adequate monetary policy conducted by the National Bank played a very big role”, she emphasised.

Turnava vowed to continue “an adequate, cautious monetary policy”.

She said the Bank would continue cooperation with international partners, financial and banking institutions and would maintain “strong, close collaboration” with the International Monetary Fund.

The continuation of reforms will be one of the priorities, including new technologies, the introduction of digital technologies, the creation of new banking products, and other “interesting innovations” in this regard, Turnava noted.

© Photo :the official website of Georgia's Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development