French politicians urge Macron to invade Azerbaijan

 French politicians urge Macron to invade Azerbaijan

Le Monde newspaper published an open letter from 11 French politicians to President Emmanuel Macron calling for protecting Armenia and invading Azerbaijan to capture Karabakh.

The letter was signed by President of the Les Republicains Eric Ciotti, First Secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure, senator of the Union of Democrats and Independents party Herve Marseille,  General Secretary of the French Communist Party Fabien Rousse, President of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces of the French Senate Christian Cambon, Chairman of the Republican faction in the Senate Bruno Retailleau, President of the Communist Group in the Senate Eliane Assassi, Chairman of the Ecologist group in the French Senate Guillaume Gontard, Chairman of the Socialist group in the Senate Patrick Kanner, President of the France-Armenia Friendship Group of the French Senate Gilbert-Luc Devinaz and Senator Pierre Ouzoulias.

In other words, the letter was written by the same people who adopted the resolution demanding that the French government recognize the statehood of Armenia's separatist project in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan. The same people who earlier called on to impose sanctions against Baku. Their positions show how great is the influence of the nationalist part of the diaspora on local politicians.

In an open letter, politicians demand that Macron "ensure the security of Armenia" and exclude Karabakh from Azerbaijan's sovereignty. Baku is accused in the letter of all the crimes that Yerevan had actually committed on Azerbaijani soil for three decades, from which it is concluded that France cannot but intervene due to the "centuries-old cultural, political and economic ties" between the country and the Armenian people, "Armenia, our valiant little ally"/

Armenia's assistance in fomenting a new war with Azerbaijan is included in the letter among the "fundamental values, unshakable principles that unite us and make France the great and beautiful nation." The measures that lobbyist politicians want to apply to Baku include: official condemnation, the imposition of EU and U.S. sanctions, a lawsuit to the International Criminal Court to send UN peacekeepers to Azerbaijan, an invasion of the Karabakh economic region, an illegal launch of the airport built by the occupiers near Khankendi and the closure of the sky over Karabakh for Azerbaijan.

According to lobbyists, if Macron does what the Armenian nationalists in France want, he will prove that “France is great and true to world values, its moral duty and honor, and can get rid of short-sighted political or economic strategies to protect its humanistic ideals, which are the foundation of our nation."
