Georgia celebrates Dormition of Virgin Mary

Anastasia Tesemnikova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Orthodox Christians across Georgia are celebrating Mariamoba - the Day of the Virgin Mary, which commemorates the Dormition and believed bodily resurrection of the mother of Jesus Christ's before her assumption.

The day is one of the major celebrations in the Orthodox Church, preceded by a two-week fast known in Georgia as the Dormition Fast. 

The Mother of God holds a special place in Georgian religious tradition, revered as the country's principal protector and intercessor. According to the legend, Georgia was assigned to her for preaching, and it is believed that her holy robe is preserved at Saint Mary's Church in the western city of Zugdidi in the Samegrelo region.

The day is marked as a public holiday across Georgia.

© Photo :Anastasia Tesemnikova / Vestnik Kavkaza