Georgian CEC says it's possible only two parties to enter parliament

 Georgian CEC says it's possible only two parties to enter parliament

Georgia's CEC said the results of parliamentary elections were preliminary. The reason for this is Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) are continuing to make official changes in their respective protocols after finding out errors were made while election staff filled in official paperwork.

Meanwhile based on complaints submitted to CEC, the Commission has nullified the results of six polling stations mainly due to procedural mistakes made by PEC members.

Of these six stations, both party and majoritarian votes were void at five, while at the sixth station only party votes were deemed invalid.

Among the affected polling stations was #48 polling station in Kizil-Ajlo village in Marneuli, southern Georgia where a clash inspired by opposition supporters forced the polling station to close earlier than 8pm. This meant voters who appeared at the ballot box in the final hours of Election Day couldn’t vote.

The CEC has not yet finished discussing all complaints submitted by parties and observers. The counting of the election results cannot be finalised before this process is over.

The Alliance of Patriots, which, according to recent data, has taken the electoral threshold of 5%, may lose some votes after the cancellation of the protocols and thus lose the right to the mandates.
