Georgian Dream to present presidential candidate after elections

Varvara Klimenko/Vestnik Kavkaza

The Georgian Dream party has not yet thought about the candidacy of the future president, the Georgian Prime Minister and the head of the ruling party's election campaign Irakli Kobakhidze said.

"We deliberately did not want to make the post of president part of the parliamentary election campaign. We deliberately did not even have a discussion on this topic. When the parliamentary elections are over, the team will discuss and present a presidential candidate",

Irakli Kobakhidze said.

It should be noted that "Georgian Dream" is currently preparing the resignation of the current president of the country, Salome Zurabishvili. She is accused of violating the Constitution due to unauthorized trips abroad. Today, deputies from the ruling party collected enough signatures to submit a claim to the Georgian Constitutional Court.

Parliamentary elections in Georgia will be held on October 26.

© Photo :Varvara Klimenko/Vestnik Kavkaza