Georgian President: ruling party is "Russian dream"

the Georgian presidential website

Georgian President Salome Zurabichvili has called the ruling Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia party a "Russian dream".

"This is a 'Russian dream,” Zurabichvili said about whether the Georgian Dream could be considered "Russian" for their policies and decisions.

According to Zurabichvili, for a long time she refrained from calling the Georgian government pro-Russian because the institution of the president implies neutrality and such an assessment could have hindered Georgia's European path. But now, according to her, the country is at a stage where it is necessary to save this European path.

The Georgian president explained her position by the fact that the Georgian Dream is making unjustified decisions if we explain it by the pre-election period. After Georgia received EU candidate status in December and the football team's qualifying for the European Championship, the ruling party re-initiated the foreign agents bill, dividing the society again.

© Photo :the Georgian presidential website