Georgian opposition unites ahead of 2024 parliamentary elections

Anastasia Tesemnikova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The opposition intends to win the parliamentary elections in Georgia by joining forces. Opponents of the Georgian Dream are signing a Declaration of Unity.

At the moment, six political organizations have joined the Declaration, including the largest, the United National Movement.

The process has not yet been completed, and other opposition parties may sign the declaration.

The main goals of the participants in the declaration are to displace the "Georgian Dream" and return Georgia back to the path of European integration. To do this, opponents of the government consider it necessary to unite and come to power by winning parliamentary elections.

In addition to this, the Declaration of Unity is closely related to the Georgian Charter. This document was proposed by President Salome Zurabishvili as part of the fight against the law on foreign agents.

Date of parliamentary elections in Georgia 2024
Parliamentary elections in Georgia will take place in the fall of 2024. Their date is October 26.

© Photo :Anastasia Tesemnikova/Vestnik Kavkaza