German Foreign Ministry: isolation of Iran to cause chaos in Middle East

German Foreign Ministry: isolation of Iran to cause chaos in Middle East

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that isolation of Iran could lead to chaos, which would further destabilize the region.

"We still consider it a mistake to pull out of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Nobody is saying the deal was perfect, but it is definitely better than having no deal at all," Maas said in an interview with the Passauer Neue Presse.

Maas said that Germany and the EU will fight to keep the deal alive, even without the US. "We will fight for it because it is in our interest in terms of security that there is security and transparency in the (Middle East)," The Local cited the Foreign Minister as saying.

He also attacked those in the West who were pinning their hopes on regime change in Iran, warning that this could lead to even bigger problems. 

"The isolation of Iran could boost radical and fundamentalist powers. If Iran were to see the kind of chaos we have seen in Iraq or Libya, it would only further destabilize an already unstable region," Maas stressed.
