German foreign minister pushes for return to strong US ties

German foreign minister pushes for return to strong US ties

Germany's foreign minister slammed the "America first" approach of U.S. President Donald Trump's administration Saturday, saying that close U.S. ties with a strong European Union are as much in Washington's interest as they are in Europe's, ABC News reported.

Sigmar Gabriel told world leaders and defense officials at the Munich Security Conference that with the U.S. no longer the only indisputable superpower, it makes sense to count on traditional partners in Europe, who share similar values, for help.

At the same time, he said, it is clear that European nations also need the U.S. if they want to "shape the future and not just endure."

"Our strength in Europe is not sufficient for this. Neither the EU nor the U.S. can go it alone. We have to count on our friends and our partners," he said.