Hearings on ex-minister Ulyukayev's case postponed to September 1

 Hearings on ex-minister Ulyukayev's case postponed to September 1

Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow postponed continuation of hearings on the case of former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev, accused of taking a bribe of $2 mln, to September 1.

The court ordered "to satisfy the request of the prosecutor's office, to postpone the meeting to 10:00 Moscow time on September 1 in connection with the need to call witnesses," Judge Larisa Semenova said.

At the same time, the court established the procedure for the judicial investigation: to interrogate the prosecution witnesses, to study the written evidence of the prosecution, to interrogate the witnesses of the defense and examine their evidence, and, lastly, interrogate the accused Ulyukaev.

Earlier the Court refused to return the criminal case against former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev, accused of taking a $2 mln bribe, to the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. "The court ruled to leave the defense’s petition without satisfaction," TASS cited the judge as saying.
