India and Pakistan to become SCO members in June

India and Pakistan to become SCO members in June

India and Pakistan will become full-fledged members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at its next summit in June, SCO Secretary-General Rashid Alimov said on the sidelines of a conference on bilateral Russia-China ties.

"Yes, India and Pakistan," Alimov said, predicting "a completely new quality of the organization since the six will gradually grow into eight."

The agenda of the upcoming summit is broad, however, the final details will be ironed out during the SCO national coordinators’ meeting on June 5-7, Sputnik cited Alimov as saying

Presently, the SCO comprises as permanent member states Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and the documents on India and Pakistan’s accession to the SCO were signed during the organization’s Tashkent summit in June 2016.