Iran's intelligence arrested 'dozens of spies' in state bodies

Iran's intelligence arrested 'dozens of spies' in state bodies

Iran's intelligence minister Mahmoud Alavi said that "dozens of spies" had been arrested as part of a crackdown on espionage and dual nationals.

"Financially and through other means, our enemies try to get information on our country," Alavi said in an interview on state television.

"They act by spying and infiltration. Fortunately the anti-espionage section is one of the strongest sections of this ministry," APF cited him as saying.

The minister did not provide details on the "dozens of spies", or over what period they were arrested. He said there was also a concerted effort to root out dual nationals working in official positions.

Alavi stressed that 230 "terrorist cells" had been intercepted over the past year. "We foiled plots on places such as universities and the metro but we published little information about this," he added.

Alavi also covered the crackdown on corruption and those manipulating Iran's chaotic currency rates, which have been a major focus of discontent in recent months.

"If we want to have a dynamic economy, we must fight economic corruption. In the intelligence ministry, we have opened 130 files and more than 180 suspects have been arrested," Iran's intelligence minister said.
