Iranian Foreign Ministry: nuke weapons have no place in Iran's military doctrine

 Iranian Foreign Ministry: nuke weapons have no place in Iran's military doctrine

Iranian Foreign Minister Bahram Ghasemi said that nuke weapons have no place in the military doctrine of Iran.

Ghasemi recalled that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have repeatedly approved the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.

The foreign minister reassured that nuclear weapons are totally unacceptable by the religious principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Fatwa’s of some major clerics of Iran, including Iranian Leader’s, condemn the use of such weaponry. 

“Therefore nuke weapons have no place in the military doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran and certainly will continue its peaceful nuclear program under the guidelines of the JCPOA which has also been approved by the Security Council of the United Nations," the Mehr News Agency cited him as saying.

Ghasemi's statement came in reaction to Trumps anti-Iran remarks at a joint presser with Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington.