"It's difficult to understand who is in charge in US"

"It's difficult to understand who is in charge in US"

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel criticized the "incomprehensibly martial rhetoric" of US President Donald Trump in the situation around the DPRK.

"Such conflicts start with statements, and end with a military operation," he warned. "The whole world is shocked by how unpredictable the US policy is now," Gabriel said. "It's difficult to understand who is in charge there," he noted. While US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Pentagon chief James Mattis consider the US military intervention to be erroneous, Trump is surrounded by people who "want to replace the force of law with the right of stronger," the German foreign minister said.

"This is the opposite of what has united the Wast so far - universal values ​​such as freedom, democracy and law," TASS cited Gabriel as saying. 

According to him, the situation is dangerous because,"involuntary escalation can suddenly turn into a war."

The director of the Roosevelt Fund of Study of the US at Moscow State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Yuri Rogulev, speaking with a correspondent of Vestnik Kavkaza, agreed  that the split in the US establishment, which has emerged during the presidential elections, only intensified. "The sharp political struggle continues, and the worst thing is that it is aimed at the administration of Trump. It is early to talk about any elaboration of a single bipartisan foreign policy approach, especially since the situation is complicated by the lack of unity in the Republican Party. The current political split hinders the actions of both the government and the Congress," he said.

The expert also explained why the US policy towards North Korea is so risky. "There are enough qualified people in the Trump administration, the Pentagon and the CIA, which understand the full danger of a military conflict and they are unlikely to pressure Trump, but we should not forget that in the United States foreign policy issues are always closely linked with the use of all possible levers of pressure. 800 bases around the world show that the US uses military force as an element of world leadership and consider this tool to be quite legitimate," Yuri Rogulev pointed out.

The head of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations at the Academy of Sciences of Russia, Sergei Oznobishchev, stressed that the split of power and society in the US is at a phenomenally high level now, and in fact, Donald Trump's victory in the election serves as a symbol of the split of America.

According to him, it caused a completely unprecedented confrontation between Congress and the president. And this confrontation, according to Oznobishchev, provokes Trump to take ill-considered steps to strengthen his positions. "It's like the muscle-flexing in foreign policy. A great country cannot reverse, as it will be a manifestation of weakness, so every next word must be more weighty than the previous one, and if it does not help, then they will have to move on to concrete military actions. And military operations there would be a disaster, which scale is difficult to imagine for us," the head of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations said.

The expert added that Trump, his entourage and the Congress stand together on the issue of the need for tough pressure on North Korea. "Trump's tough policy on Pyongyang is being driven primarily by his own ego. The Congress has firm position on the DPRK as well, because it is poorly informed, but very determined," Sergei Oznobishchev concluded.