Kazem Jalali: end of Karabakh war could boost Iran's security

Kazem Jalali: end of Karabakh war could boost Iran's security

Iran welcomes a cessation of hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the Karabakh conflict, as it will contribute to the Islamic Republic's security as well, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said, answering the question from Vestnik Kavkaza.

"We are glad that the war between our neighbors Azerbaijan and Armenia ended thanks to Russia's peace initiative and Vladimir Putin's efforts," the Iranian ambassador said in the first place.

Kazem Jalali stressed that since Azerbaijan and Armenia are Iran's neighbors, "the Islamic Republic's national security is linked to the security of our neighbors." "Creating conditions to ensure security in relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia can help to increase our country's security," he stressed.

The Iranian diplomat recalled that Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif recently visited the countries involved in the Karabakh post-war process. "Based on the results of these visits, appropriate measures will be taken in terms of economic cooperation, so that all countries of the region can interact with each other, in particular, within the framework of the "3+3" format," Kazem Jalali said.

"The Caucasus is a very important region for Iran. In terms of politics, security and economy, we could raise the level of our relations with the countries of the South Caucasus. We must not allow other countries to interfere in the affairs of our region," the Iranian ambassador to Russia concluded. 
