Kerry: We must ensure Iran nuke deal survives

Kerry: We must ensure Iran nuke deal survives

Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says it is "absolutely critical" to make sure that world powers' nuclear agreement with Iran survives, U.S. News & World Report writes.

President Donald Trump is deeply skeptical about the 2015 nuclear deal. He extended sanctions waivers in January but said he would not do so again when they come up for renewal in May unless his concerns are addressed.

Kerry, one of the leading negotiators on the deal, told the Munich Security Conference on Sunday that "this is untenable. It is not good diplomacy."

He added: "I believe it is absolutely critical for Europe, for the world, to make sure we hold on to this agreement. Because to go backward — we know what the world looks like without the Iran nuclear agreement. It's not a better place."
