Kissinger optimistic about long-term development of U.S.-China relationship

Kissinger optimistic about long-term development of U.S.-China relationship

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said at the meeting with Chinese State Councillor Wang Yi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York that he is optimistic about the long-term development of Beijing-Washington relationship.

Kissinger called on the two sides to view bilateral relations from a broader perspective and enhance cooperation on international and regional issues, and global challenges.

According to the former Secretary of State, a few hostile comments in the United States are not mainstream views. He added that despite he differences on some issues, the two sides should not confront each other, which is not in the interest of either party.

"Cooperation is the only correct choice for the United States and China," Kissinger said, voice his willingness to continue to work for this goal.

Wang Yi, in turn, said that the two countries would only lose if they confronted each other.

"China and the United States can have competition, but should not use a Cold War mentality to view each other, and nor should they slip into the trap of a zero-sum game," Reuters cited Wang as saying.

He added that China hopes the United States meets it halfway so they can have a “correct perception” of each other, and prevent this negative momentum from spreading to ensure relations don’t stray from the correct track.