Kobakhidze: Georgian President is a puppet of UNM

Website of the Georgian President

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze called the country's President Salome Zurabishvili an opposition puppet.

He noted that the President herself admitted that she kept her position thanks to the opposition party, the United National Movement, despite violating the constitution.

"She is no longer the president of Georgia, but the president of the United National Movement, an ordinary puppet. Based on this, her words and statements have no power",

Irakli Kobakhidze said.

Let us remind you that Zurabishvili's visits abroad, which were not coordinated with the government, led to a conflict between the President and the ruling party Georgian Dream.

The authorities have appealed to the Constitutional Court for the president's impeachment, but the case was not brought to completion due to a lack of votes in the Parliament.

In addition to this, the President of Georgia has repeatedly criticized the Georgian Dream for its actions in foreign policy.

© Photo :Website of the Georgian President