Kosachev: U.S.failure to issue visas to Russian delegation - another blow to bilateral relations

Kosachev: U.S.failure to issue visas to Russian delegation - another blow to bilateral relations

Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Foreign Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev said that the United States’ failure to issue visas to delegates from the Russian Federal Treasury who planned to take part in an international conference is another blow to bilateral relations, which will entail consequences.

The senator noted that when excuses like ‘Russia started it first’ are heard from Washington next time and "when it starts wondering why some Americans are barred from entering our country, I believe we will have to recall this case as well". 

"Anyway, there are no reasons for those who initiated such reprisals to be in Russia now," TASS cited him as saying.

According to him, almost everything that happens in the U.S. now has a purely domestic rationale "amid the unfolding Trump impeachment show." "In the United States itself, passions are running high, some new evidence surfaces, someone changes his or her testimony, in short, everything is in accordance with the laws of Hollywood. However, I believe that outside of America, few people follow that saga in detail, because all that is reminiscent of some small-town squabbles rather than a superpower’s policy," Kosachev noted.

Earlier, the press service of the Russian Embassy in Washington said that the United States had not issued visas to delegates from the Russian Federal Treasury and  prevented head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's department on cooperation with compatriots abroad Oleg Malginov from attending the New York Youth Forum, the press service said.

In September, the U.S. failed to issue visas to some members of the Russian delegation at the UN General Assembly session. Among them were Konstantin Kosachev, head of the State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky, CEO of Russia’s Federal Space Agency Dmitry Rogozin and ten Russian Foreign Ministry employees.
